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If what we store on our flash drives is important enough to back up lest we lose it forever, why do we toss the physical drives around without a second thought? I used to keep my flash drive on my key chain where it rattled around against relatively sharp metal objects and got crammed into the black hole of my purse, trusting a little plastic cap to keep all my most important files safe. At the designboom mart at ICFF I saw a design team who’s getting people to rethink how they treat their flash drives with a collection made from materials as precious as your files.
Logical Art is a small operation run by Yoo-Kyung Shin and Hanhsi Chen, who spread their time between Korea, Taiwan and the UK. Together they’ve created Empty Memory, a line of flash drives made out of wood, plexi and stainless steel as well as more luxurious offerings in silver, gold and rose gold. The plexi/wood model is the most streamlined of the bunch, whereas the metal drives have a more complex geometrical finish. You can buy them directly from the designers for $75-$95.