new bloomberg businessweek+ digital magazine is near perfect. applaud design and editorial focus. via theguardian [RK]
Bloomberg businessweek+. Near perfect digital magazine.

about DesignApplause
DesignApplause (DA) is an architecture and design online narrative with over 5,000 interdisciplinary photo-rich articles and editorials. from interviews with significant creative forces such as founders/owners, architects, artists, critics/curators, designers, educators, historians and producers, to the discovery of front-line architecture and innovative products, DA is read by a worldwide audience.
view all entries by DesignApplause.
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A Portland initiative to redefine the methods used for achieving[...]
the project showcases limited-edition, shoppable pieces inspired by works in the museum's permanent collection.
having a visible expert editor publishing a book would be proud, not pissy. but fair's had an internet something up his sleeve, "i can do this!" yes marcus, indeed you can.