bonne douleur! flooding in paris has never occurred to me, not even in april. the louvre and musée d’orsay closed friday to move ground level artwork. the river is supposed to peak friday. those watching roland garros know that friday was filled with matches. weather forecast: a 40% chance of rain saturday and 80% sunday thru tuesday.
leonardo da vinci’s “mona lisa,” is on an upper floor.

>mona lisa a; mona lisa b, 2004 | paul giovanopoulos | click > enlarge
Contemporary appropriation artists add a new dimension to the use of adopted images, as seen in the work of such artists as Mike Bidlo, David Bierk, George Deem, Audrey Flack, Kathleen Gilje, Paul Giovanopoulos, Deborah Kass, Jiri Kolar, Sherrie Levine, Carlo Mariani, Yasumasa Morimura, Vik Muniz, Richard Pettibone, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol and others, providing an instructive and stimulating counterpoint to the issues raised by the historical works in the show. 15 jan > 27 march | huntington new york [ heckscher museum ]