Groundbreaking film by Saul Bass that shows solar energy is a legitimate energy source. Presented by Eames Demetrios, the filmmaker and grandson of Charles and Ray Eames. via grain edit [PR]
The solar film.
about DesignApplause
DesignApplause (DA) is an architecture and design online narrative with over 5,000 interdisciplinary photo-rich articles and editorials. from interviews with significant creative forces such as founders/owners, architects, artists, critics/curators, designers, educators, historians and producers, to the discovery of front-line architecture and innovative products, DA is read by a worldwide audience.
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Electric concept vehicle. Of interest, a single touch screen that would control vehicle functions and offer internet-enabled satellite connectivity.
good solar power video that few have seen.
in 1870, a solar powered printing press printed over 500 newspapers an hour.