Summer. Men's fashion.
Metro sexual. Gay. Secure good ole boy. Who cares. 10 editor pick items from [PR]
Metro sexual. Gay. Secure good ole boy. Who cares. 10 editor pick items from [PR]
Innovation. We introduce a new method for measuring the three-dimensional surface of a page using only a commodity scanner and without modifying the document in any way. Elementary my dear Watson. via boingboing [PR]
Should consumers or brands control content? Jury still out. via businessweek [PR]
Twitterings: someone I follow just tweets, “friend at major NY agency says they no longer allow access to YouTube unless it’s for specific project w/ job number. #can’tmakethisshitup.” via twitter [PR]
Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld said it’s time for a big cleanse after years of indulgence. Christian Lacroix, Stella McCartney ignore economic crisis. via reuters. [PR]
Products traditionally are created in rich nations and repackaged for emerging ones. Innovation now trickles in new direction. via businessweek [PR]
Barbie turned 50 on 9 March. Her birthday present? A Fiat Barbie. So Fiat. So Milano. via designophy [PR]
Good glassy-historicist Apple store concept no slam-dunk in Georgetown. via a/n blog [PR]
If we are going to have vandalism here’s an innovative action plan for good vandalism. via gawker [PR]
Thomas D. Kuczmarski suggests an innovation action plan for Obama. via businessweek [PR]
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