employer branding. our company needs you.
with limited growth prospects on the horizon, the fashion industry’s battle for talent is intensifying. listen up everyone. via business of fashion
with limited growth prospects on the horizon, the fashion industry’s battle for talent is intensifying. listen up everyone. via business of fashion
wired’s native ad for vw diesel tech now yields a 404 error. volkswagen ceo martin winterkorn has resigned from the company. via adage [RK]
how engineers at west virginia university caught vw cheating. the information was out there for more than a year but the auto press missed its significance. via spectrum.ieee.org [RK]
the 5 most common myths about alternatively-fueled vehicles. myth: a hybrid always saves you money. via chicago trib [RK]
‘buy’ button on mobile in the news. simple button aims to move more shopping to mobile. via nyt [RK]
how tesla will change the world. why hasn’t the car technology forest moved upward over the past century? via wait but why [RK]
apple and oculus rift virtual reality fans on pause. most disappointing news is windows platform chosen over apple and linux systems, at least for now. via washington post [RK]
worried about self-driving cars on highway? don’t read this. world’s first autonomous 18-wheeler is getting down to business. via cnbc [RK]
sxsw keynote plows into the plight of driverless cars. “catastrophically imperfect”. via washington post [RK]
dow plucks apple and drops at&t. index bets on brand, innovation and future. via chicago tribune [RK]
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