untitled art at design miami 2018.
untitled art, miami beach opens on wednesday, december 5th. artspaceis hosting an online preview with over 900 artworks from more than 130 galleries that will be on view at the fair’s seventh edition. browse the works online and inquire about your favorites before the fair opens. plus, don’t miss curated collections from visual aids’ executive director esther mcgowan and ace hotel’s kelly sawdon.
about untitled art
untitled art is an international, curated art fair founded in 2012 that focuses on balance and integrity across all disciplines of contemporary art. untitled art innovates the standard fair model by selecting a curatorial team to identify, and curate a selection of galleries, artist-run exhibition spaces, and non-profit institutions and organizations, in discussion with a site-specific, architecturally designed venue. the next editions of untitled art will take place on the beach at ocean drive and 12th street in miami beach, fl, december 5 – 9, 2018, and at pier 35, 1454 the embarcadero san francisco, ca, january 18 – 20, 2019.
instagram: @untitledartfair
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facebook: /untitledartfair
snapchat: @untitledartfair
website: untitledartfairs.com
press preview 4dec 1-8pm