Twitter will change the way we live.
Steven Johnson writes that we discover an unsuspected depth via the twitter.
Steven Johnson writes that we discover an unsuspected depth via the twitter.
Follow DesignApplause on Twitter. [PR]
An architecture, urban musings blog pov about media. Inspired by Maureen Dowd’s brain-dead editorial in yesterday’s New York Times. An opine on Twitter. via bldgblog [PR]
Twitter has 25 and counting. No designers yet. via designobserver [PR]
Should consumers or brands control content? Jury still out. via businessweek [PR]
Twitterings: someone I follow just tweets, “friend at major NY agency says they no longer allow access to YouTube unless it’s for specific project w/ job number. #can’tmakethisshitup.” via twitter [PR]
Peruse’s the blogging/twitter link to TED 2009. via BusinessWeek [PR]
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