startup thor trucks jumps in the ring with tesla new electric truck semi.
above > thor trucks et-one below > tesla semi the story here is the auto/truck industry predicts et-one will be on the road before semi.
on 16 november elon musk unveiled a new tesla – an 18-wheeler cab named semi. semi is touted as the safest, most comfortable truck ever. electric energy costs are half those of diesel. with fewer systems to maintain, the tesla semi provides $200,000+ in fuel savings and a two year payback period.
enhanced autopilot helps avoid collisions, a centered driver position provides maximum visibility and control, and lower center of gravity offers rollover protection.
tesla semi
range> 300 – 500 mi
speed on a 5% grade > 65 mph
power train > four independent motors on rear axles
price:> 300 mile range $150,000 / 500 mile range $200,000
base reservation > $20,000
founders series price > $200,000
founders reservation > $200,000
on 13 december dakota semler, a young california entrepreneur, along with a buddy, unveil start-up thor trucks’ first vehicle, et-one, an all-electric class 8 tractor. with a range of 300 miles this truck designed for short hauls.
thor et-one
battery > lithium-ion
range > 300 miles
price > $150,000
delivery > thor trucks’ custom models, due out in 2019
the story here is the auto/truck industry predicts et-one will be on the road before semi. et-one is offering at this writing limited fleet demos.
on 13 december pepsi reserves 200 semi’s.