designer gifts 2015. dreamfarm.
Garject is the world’s best garlic press. It presses unpeeled garlic, scrapes itself clean, and even ejects the peel. All of the garlic ends up in your meal, your hands don’t stink and your Garject practically cleans itself in the process. Boom.
Levups are our incredible leveling measuring cups that are perfect for both dry and liquid ingredients. Each Levup is clearly marked with cup, ounce and millilitre measuring lines for liquids. For dry ingredients, Levups handles squeeze together to make a scraper swipe across and push off any excess, leaving you with a perfectly level and accurate measurement. Levups are a set of 4 measuring cups that snap together for storage and can be easily snapped apart so you only have to wash the dirty ones.
Smood is not a strange-looking whisk, it’s the world’s best potato masher. It makes smooth mash in seconds, scrapes the pot clean and serves. As you push down, Smood’s spring flattens which forces your potato through the thin gap in its coils, creating smooth fluffy mash in just one press. Holla!