your iphone has a secret undo button.
your iphone has a secret undo button. just shake your phone like you’re furious. via business insider [VK]
your iphone has a secret undo button. just shake your phone like you’re furious. via business insider [VK]
fingerprint or password? iphone fallout: 53 percent of americans say fingerprint. via washington post [RK]
google’s motorola mobility unveils moto x. boasts the most customizable phone ever. via washington post [RK]
Half of smartphone and tablet owners compare prices, 44% seek coupons and 17% have purchased at least one product via their mobile devices. via mediapost [RK]
Nearly a third of smartphone owners use them for shopping. via web pro news [RK]
ninety percent of shoppers know what they will buy before arrival. via progressive grocer [RK]
The Porsche Design P’9981 smartphone from BlackBerry is instantly identifiable as a Porsche Design product.
The exclusive material choices for this unique smartphone include a forged stainless steel frame, hand-wrapped leather back cover, sculpted QWERTY keyboard, and crystal clear touch display.
Customized inside and out, the new Porsche Design P’9981 comes with an exclusive Porsche Design UI and a bespoke Wikitude World Browser augmented reality app experience. It also includes premium, exclusive PINs that help easily identify another P’9981 smartphone user.” [ porsche design ]
<a href="about phil patton
cyclists use their smartphones to locate, check out, and lock bikes.
Shareable reports on ryan rzepecki’s social bicycles system (SoBi):
Instead of relying on kiosks and docking stations to connect users to bikes, cyclists use their smartphones to locate, check out, and lock bikes–everything is portable, wireless, decentralized, and self-contained. The tech is stored in a small “lock box” attached to the rear wheel, which connects the bike to a central server. Users create an account with SoBi, find a bike through a call or smartphone app, and receive a code which they can use to unlock the bicycle from an ordinary rack. They can just enter their account info directly into the lock box; they use the same pin code every time, “just like with a bank card.”
20 bikes to be tested in nyc in 9/2010.
smartphones just got a whole lot smarter with face verification.
Using an Nokia N900, a University of Manchester (UK) research team has developed a prototype that quickly locks and tracks 22 facial features in real-time (even when upside down) using the Nokia’s front-facing camera. The Active Appearance modeling technique was developed for a EU-funded Mobile Biometrics (MoBio) project as a means of using face verification to authenticate smartphone access to social media sites.
There’s no word yet on when we come face-to-face with this technology.
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