three showers that boast a 70-90% water savings.
curiously, 2015 saw three shower products boasting both water and energy savings surfaced, though one of the products has been in use for over five years ago by the australian air force. they save water with clever design, an unusual application of the 200 year old venturi effect and recycling and filtering shower water itself.
above/below > [ nebia ] is a $400 shower using aerospace-grade spray nozzles that atomize water, allowing for a smaller volume of water to get you just as wet. water savings: 70%. a [ kickstarter ] product.
above/below > the $3,000 [ hamwell e-shower ] recycles what normally goes down the drain. the used water gets filtered and mixed in with about 1.5 liters of fresh water each minute; that mixture gets hit with a uv light before raining down on your head again. the app-controlled shower can also stream music as well as see how much money you’re saving in both energy and water cost. in addition to the 90 percent water savings, the shower should also reduce your energy consumption by 80 percent, the company says. hamwells already has deals with several hotels, so you could come across them even if you don’t actually buy one yourself.
above / below > five year old [ e-shower ] uses the 200 year old venturi effect to draw a tiny jet of air in the shower head, forcing the water into extreme turbulence inside – not atomizing but aerating the water into nanobubbles, an air bubble covered in water. in a normal shower most of the water that hits your body bounces off, while with an e-shower when the air bubble hits your skin it ‘pops’ causing an impressive cleaning effect. a recently funded [ kickstarter ] product, price and availability not yet known at this writing.