ready for your design applause? milan design week 2016.
we’re reaching out to you directly > if you’re showing your work during #mdw16 and wish to be considered in our milan coverage, please submit your press materials. submit regardless of the event you’re participating in: brera, fiera, spazio rossana orlandi, salonesatellite, superstudio, ventura lambrate, zona tortona, or anywhere else in milan.
provide as many images as you feel tells your story in high resolution jpg format crediting (designer, object, brand, project and photographer, etc.) also include your story, a press release in pdf format (project description, you, your brand, team, etc.) send your submissions and include in the subject – milan design week 2016 – your project name. though this is not a competition, our team will curate and post select submissions. designapplause has a dropbox entryway if needed.
the deadline for submissions for publication last week of april is 06 april 2016.
if you wish to post a preview of your work prior to design week, please submit your materials no later than 03 april 2016.
thank you. DesignApplause [ questions / submissions ] [ milan design week 2016 ]
[ below> poltrona frau group presents // embroidery chair | johan lindsten | cappellini | 2016 ]
below> the city event linked directly to the salone del mobile.milano will be space&interiors, organized by tmade expo at the mall porta nuova – brera design district: a display of surfaces, flooring, doors and interior finishings curated migliore+servetto architects.
below> luceplan celebrates the first 30 years of the iconic costanza.