Heijdens, krzentowski, palomba and torres previews. Design miami/ 2013.
above/below> The Swarovski Crystal Palace collaborates with artist Guilherme Torres to create the installation ‘Mangue Groove’, inspired by mangrove trees to remind us of important aquatic conservation efforts surrounding mangrove ecosystems in Brazil.
guilherme torres
above/below> Perrier-Jouët collaborates with London-based Dutch designer Simon Heijdens titled ‘Phare No. 1–9’, explores light and liquid. Simon will share in our upcoming interview how the Art Nouveau aesthetic evolved with him into the 21st Century.
simon heijdens
didier krzentowski
above/below > DesignApplause combines interviews from 2012 and this year and Didier explains what amazingly happened over the past year.
poltrona gold | alessandro mendini | galerie kreo | 2013
above/below> Kartell, Laufen and Ludovica+Roberto Palomba create the ‘Palomba Collection’, a clever and beautiful bathroom ensemble. Roberto Palomba shares with us in an upcoming interview how a new and unique porcelain reinvents how to work with the traditional material.
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