Greenzero chargers by bracketron.
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I always cringe when I visit a company’s website and read the words “eco-friendly” in their ad copy. The dubious catch phrase means everything and nothing all at the same time. I’ve even seen plastic bags advertised as “eco-friendly,” for chrissakes. But Bracketron, a company that makes phone accessories, may have actually produced a true energy saver in their line of GreenZero Chargers.
All three chargers (for home, travel and car) shut off automatically when your phone is fully charged, putting an end to phantom energy as well as ‘top-off stress’ on your phone’s battery (yes, even your phone gets stressed out). While it’s not the “most eco-friendly and efficient way to charge mobile devices,” as their site claims – my mom has them beat with her solar powered charger hub – it’s definitely better than the current energy sucking system, and at $22-$29, it’s affordable, too.