‘no more free space?’ asks the pavilion of singapore. 2018 venice architecture biennale.
under the direction of lead curator dr erwin viray, head of pillar, architecture and sustainable design at singapore university of technology and design, no more free space? exhibition responds to singapore’s unique environment: densely populated, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic island city-state. the exhibition comprises twelve singapore-based architecture projects, spanning residential, commercial, private and public buildings, each demonstrating how to turn constraints into opportunities for ‘free space’ by re-imagining what a highly compact city can be. each project incorporates light, air, greenery or water to create oasis and delightful free spaces in dense urban environments, bringing joy and connectivity to the community. the centerpiece of the exhibition will be an interactive installation – an ethereal cloud of handcrafted acrylic knots with multi-sensory sounds, light and image projections, re-creating the experiences of singapore for the audience. singapore pavilion is commissioned by the designsingapore council of the ministry of communications and information and the urban redevelopment authority.
‘no more free space?’ asks the pavilion of singapore at the 16th international architecture exhibition la biennale di venezia