olafur eliasson: in real life. tate modern.
olafur eliasson returns to tate modern with this unmissable exhibition.
in eliasson’s captivating installations you become aware of your senses, people around you and the world beyond.
some artworks introduce natural phenomena such as rainbows to the gallery space. others use reflections and shadows to play with the way we perceive and interact with the world. many works result from the artist’s research into complex geometry, motion patterns, and his interest in color theory. all but one of the works have never been seen in the uk before.
within the exhibition will be an area which explores eliasson’s deep engagement with society and the environment. discover what an artist’s perspective can bring to issues of climate change, energy, migration as well as architecture. and once every other week you’ll be able to communicate with people from eliasson’s 100-strong team in his berlin studio via a live link.
the kitchen team at studio olafur eliasson will also create a special menu and program of related events for tate modern’s terrace bar, based on the organic, vegetarian and locally sourced food served in his berlin studio.
the exhibition will continue with a spectacular sculpture outside tate modern.
eliasson has a long relationship with tate modern. his glowing sun, the weather project, drew more than two million people to the turbine hall in 2003. more recently ice watch 2018 brought chunks of ice from greenland to london. this exhibition will provide another unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.
exhibition has been organied by tate modern in collaboration with guggenheim museum bilbao
exhibition curated by mark godfrey, senior curator, international art, tate modern with emma lewis,assistant curator, international art, tate modern
wednesday > 10am–6pm
thursday > 10am–6pm
friday > 10am–10pm
saturday > 10am–10pm
sunday > 10am–6pm
monday > 10am–6pm
tuesday > 10am–6pm