modern_ism at zona tortona during milan design week 2019.
now the capital of lombardy become the main design area of europe – until the april 14th milan will host the international exhibition milan design week’19! hundreds of exhibitors and brands will demonstrate their creativity and show modern furniture, decor and lighting for guests. the main thing is that this year is special for ukraine – 7 ukrainian designers will present the modern_ism project on a joint stand at the superstudio piu expo site. the general project’s organizers are prostir86 design platform and the foundation art-east + art-west with the ukrainian institute support.
architect olga bogdanova, product designer kateryna sokolova, cultural manager olena oranskaia
container, olk_manufactory, nadiia x masha reva, noom, ryntovt design, svoya design studio, and tasha oro
natasha yegorova, eugene puklych, oksana levchenya, yuriy ryntovt, masha reva, nadia shapoval, katerina sokolova, denis sokolov, juliya martynenko, lera sokolova, artem martynenko, anton sokolova, tatiana izzo
prostir 86
ukranian institute
via tortona 27 20144
10a 9p