More than 120 international galleries from 17 countries will set up shop on Chicago’s Navy Pier next month for the art fair Expo Chicago, 19 > 22 September. Tours, panel discussions, and uniquely curated site-specific projects are on tap. And there’s plenty of big names to get excited about. Jeanne Gang and Studio Gang Architects designed the interior environment with a floor plan patterned after the city’s gridded streets; Dean Otto of the Walker Art Center curated the video artists showing at Expo Video, an exhibition area and lounge; David Salkin Creative designed a table-service restaurant to be held within the exposition; Casa Spazio will furnish the VIP lounge and Room & Board another rooftop lounge; and NYC’s Snarkitecture will create a series of upholstered foam seats under the main center atrium. [ details ] @expochicago
event> Expo Chicago
date> 19 > 22 September 2013
venue> Navy Pier’s Festival Hall
vernissage> The opening night preview benefiting MCA Chicago | Thursday, 19 September 6 > 9p [ $100 tickets available ]
general admission> 20 > 22 September 2013 | Sunday 22 Sept. 22 | Fri + Sat 11a > 7p | Sun 11a > 6p
unidentified bear greets visitors at kavi gupta gallery | click > enlarge
Day three DesignApplause returns to see what we missed at the preview and find many more “objects” than anticipated. And we run into many many people, lose an iPad (found and returned in 20 minutes) by the [ Yancy Richardson Gallery (New York) ] THANK YOU! Truth be told, the early expectations of design galleries in this exposition were dashed when we learned the focus would be on art only in 2012. But we understand the demands of an inaugural event offers up but two choices, quantity or quality. Cardi Black Box (Milan) did, however, bring a liquid trilobal table by Ross Lovegrove. THANK YOU!

Ask 120 galleries (we didn’t) how were the first three days and you would get 120 opinions. The dealers we did ask (galleries who brought “objects”) were in agreement that Thursday (day one) and Friday was not all that busy, but day three was very busy and lot of art was sold. The galleries were split on who realized brisk sales. Our “objects” galleries were eager to share what they brought and the manner of sharing was diverse. Price for example. A few did not want us to publish the price. Anthony Meier Fine Arts (San Francisco) on the other hand when we we’re photographing Dave Muller’s FlyFlyFly shouts out “that’s $100,000”.

Unfortunately, for this post [ Weinstein Gallery (Minneapolis) ] was not showing any beloved objects. The gallery is expecting an inquiry on their art but the question is: who made your desk and chairs? Is it art? Was it done by a designer? Desk and chairs were custom made for the gallery by Bob Lindell of Artserve. Artserve is a fine art technical service which makes picture frames for them.

It is very sad to learn that Green Gallery in Milwaukee closed as a result of a fire in July 2012. Many things can be replaced after a fire. Art is not one of them. [ green gallery ] [ fire details ]
oil spill #20 2010 | daniel beltra | catherine edelman gallery
Oil Spill is not an “object” but it supports our environmental/sustainable messaging. This is just one of a series of Daniel Beltra’s photos on the oil spill.

The above photo taken from the Collector’s Lounge where we enjoy the view and a glass of wine as we shut down our visit for the day. The lakefront along with the incredibly accommodating clouds reminds us why everyone missed Navy Pier. Lastly, a link to the [ kate werble gallery (New York) ] as the image we took is terrible. Our [ Preview ] post and day three have captured over 50 inspiring objects. Galleries: THANK YOU!
[ the objects ]
1> ‘liquid trilobal table’ 2010 | ross lovegrove | cardi black box (milan)
2> endless house | manuel graf | van horn (dusseldorf)
3> s/t 2012 | jorge perianes | max estrella (madrid)
4> conversation 2006 | pello irazu | galería moisés pérez de albéniz (spain)
5> last breath 2012 | rafael lozano-hemmer | max estrella (madrid)
6> seascape 2012 | shinique smith | james cohan gallery (new york)
7> zeffirelli’s easel 2012 | john henry | mccormick gallery (chicago)
8> un chinois egare 1960 | max ernst | léonard hutton galléries (new york)
9> untitled 2012 | pablo atchugarry | hollis taggart galleries (new York)
10> flyflyfly 2012 | dave muller | anthony meier fine arts (san francisco)
11> untitled no.67 | william fisk 2012 | nicholas metivier gallery (toronto)
12> untitled | joel shipiro | the pace gallery (new york, london, beijing)
13> aquatic assemblage: the maritime metropolis 2012 | ellen sandor, chris kemp, diana torres, and janine fron | ellen sandor (art)n studio (chicago)
14> smirk 2003 | tony oursler | gallery paule anglim (san francisco)
15> on file 2011 | chakaia | international sculpture center (hamilton, nj)
16> torso 1963 | jean arp | landau fine art (montreal)
17> sake bottles | douglas dawson gallery (chicago)
18> support | gaylen gerber | the green gallery (milwaukee)
19> mini quan 2012 | carole feuerman | international sculpture center (hamilton, nj)
20> 450 2007 | jessica stockholder | max estrella (madrid)
21> round the block 2002 | tony crag | galerie hans mayer (dusseldorf)
22> untitled (left) / cardboard sculpture 1990 | tony tasset | kavi gupta (chicago, berlin)
23> untitled 2009 | jessica stockholder | 1301pe gallery (los angeles)
24> untitled 2012 | allen ruppersberg | art institute of chicago
26> weinsteing gallery (minneapolis)
27> the green gallery (milwaukee)
28> oil spill #20 2010 | daniel beltra | catherine edelman gallery (chicago)
29> navy pier
30> title unknown | artist unknown | gavi kupta (chicago, berlin)
[ expo chicago ]
The inaugural Expo Chicago, The International Exposition of Contemporary/Modern Art and Design, will be presented at Navy Pier’s Festival Hall from 20>23 September, 2012. The new fair will open the international fall arts season and will establish Chicago as a preeminent art fair and cultural destination. Vernissage, an exclusive opening night preview celebration benefits the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.[ expo chicago ]
dirty bomb 2008 | inigo mangling-ovalle | rhona hoffman gallery | click > enlarge
Dirty Bomb, by Inigo Mangling-Ovalle, serves as an appropriate metaphor for the long anticipated Expo Chicago: a wonderfully creative and well executed effort that made a big bang for the art fair’s planners, dealers, artists, collectors patrons notables media, and friends, who attended Vernissage (preview) last night. Tony Karman conceived Expo Chicago. The vision, experience and skills of Tony and his collaborators can be seen best by visiting the exposition in person. The pier’s Festival Hall is designed by Chicago architect, Jeanne Gang.
This show focuses on modern contemporary art and design (objects) and there are 120 very elite by-invitation-only dealers. It has opened to kickoff Gallery Weekend Chicago. DesignApplause won’t make any recommendations, there’s something for everyone. We have selected “objects” found at Vernissage and we will say it again: go see and enjoy good art. The dealers would like you to buy the art so they can come back next year.
photo courtesy of studio gang architects
liquid trilobal table 2010 | ross lovegrove | cardi black box
memorias urbanas chicago | juan garaizabal | galeria alvaro alcazar
DesignApplause will be interviewing Juan Garaizabal, a Berlin-based Spanish entrepreneur and conceptual artist specializing in the creation and transformation of interactive spaces as a means of artistic communication. He’s standing by his concept conceived to repurpose a Chicago building. Stay tuned.
silent music 2012 | jaume plensa | richard gray gallery
For your information, Plensa designed Crown Fountain, the interactive public art and video sculpture in Chicago’s Millennium Park. The Catalan artist designed the fountain and executed by Krueck and Sexton Architects in July 2004. Silent Music is part of a curated show, IN/SITU, loosely meaning temporary landmarks & moving situations. Like a “pop-up? DesignApplause loves the selections of curator Michael Ned Holte as they are almost exclusively objects.
visible markers 2012 | allan mccollum | carl soloway gallery
Another metaphor. Mr. Karman and crew, “thanks”. The show runs 20 > 23 September. Tickets to Expo are $20 for one day, or $65 for a four-day pass. You can get them online or at the fair. Expo runs 11a > 7p Thursday through Saturday and noon > 6p on Sunday.
[ the objects ]
1> navy pier concept 2011 | studio gang architects
2> gray hinge 2008 | johanna unzueta | vogt gallery
3> smoking cigarette #1 1980 | tom wesselmann | galerie gmurzynska
4> revelation 1 | 2009 | al farrow | forum gallery
5> the beast with two backs 2011 theo mercer | galerie gabrielle maubrie
6> molded plastic chair 1940s | charles & ray eames | the conservation center
7> utility fencing 2012 | nazafarin lotfi | eclectic coherence
8> night watchman 2009 | tamas dezso | robert koch gallery
9> pallets 2012 | charles harlan | jtt
10> play it by trust 1986 | yoko ono | carl solway gallery
(*)11> theaster gates | kavi gupta
12> clouds knots contacts 2012 | jessica stockholder | mitchell – innes & nash
13> binary system 2012 | jesse small | nancy hoffman gallery
14> unititled | joel shipiro | galerie karsten greve ag
15> antenna with belts 2012 | heather mekkelson | artadia
16> garbage wall 2012 | gordon matte-clark | nrdc chicago
(*)17> la perla 2008 | dzine | salon 94
18> repurposed ladder 2010 | aristotle georgiades | carl hammer gallery
(*)19> dirty bomb 2008 | inigo mangling-ovalle | rhona hoffman gallery
20> navy pier complete 2012 | studio gang architects
21> ‘liquid trilobal table’ 2010 | ross lovegrove | cardi black box
22> memorias urbanas chicago juan garaizabal | galeria alvaro alcazar
(*)23> silent music 2012 | jaume plensa | richard gray gallery
24> visible markers 2012 | allan mccollum | carl soloway gallery
(*) in/situ objects
[ expo chicago ]
The inaugural Expo Chicago, The International Exposition of Contemporary/Modern Art and Design, will be presented at Navy Pier’s Festival Hall from 20>23 September, 2012. The new fair will open the international fall arts season and will establish Chicago as a preeminent art fair and cultural destination. Vernissage, an exclusive opening night preview celebration benefits the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.[ expo chicago ]