barcelona design museum opens integrating art objects and design.
above foreground bruumruum! interactive installation designed by david torrents
a new iconic building designed by barcelona’s mbm arquitectes, completed in 2013 and recently filled with collections from four different museums in 2014. the museu del disseny (design museum of barcelona) is now the main institution in barcelona dedicated to the world of design. admission will be free of charge thru january 2015.
the museum includes collections featuring decorative arts, fashion, graphic and product design, from: the museu de ceràmica (museum of ceramics), the museu tèxtil i indumentària (museum of tissues and dresses), the museu de les arts decoratives (decorative arts museum) and the gabinet de les arts gràfiquesv (gallery of graphic arts).
above> la pedrera chair: the first piece of the collection of furniture designed by juan francisco barba corsini in 1955 for apartments built between 1953 and 1955 for architect antoni gaudí / below> an exhibition dedicated to fashion design reviews trends from 1550 to 2015. photo by jose luis fettolini.
above> poster for industria y arquitectura 2ª exposición g.r, 1954 by ricard giralt miracle, on show as part of the graphic design: from trade to profession (1940-1980) exhibition. photograph by xavier padrós / below> graphic identity system by atlas – from 2008 to 2013 the building was called design hub barcelona.
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