2017 chicago architecture biennial week of 26 november > 2 december.
above > in the foreground and below – the wallderful: mexico city dellekamp arquitectos proposes not a wall, but a bridge between countries.
although they are doomed to crumble, humans have always built walls: along borders, across disputed lands, and around cities. whether it was hadrian, qin shi huang, or nikita khruschev, leaders often proclaimed the need to fortify their territories. and indeed they did: erecting formidable walls whose remains are largely relegated to the backgrounds of tourists selfies. dellekamp arquitectos reclaims the rhetoric of the wall in its ironic and iconic post-function state. political context serves as a point of departure to imagine a future where the border becomes the connection and the wall an invitation.
[ 26 november > 2 december calendar ]
the second edition of the chicago architecture biennial (cab) is the largest architecture and design exhibition in north america, showcasing the transformative global impact of creativity and innovation in these fields. this year’s biennial features over 141 practitioners from more than 20 countries addressing the 2017 theme “make new history.” artistic directors sharon johnston and mark lee have selected architects and artists whose eye-opening creations will invite the public to explore how the latest architecture can and will make new history in places around the world. the main exhibition is free and open to the public from september 16, 2017 through january 7, 2018. we are particularly proud to premiere our opening in 2017 in alignment with expo chicago.