+h2o emergency conversion of urine to drinking water.
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this post has been sitting in “pending” since 2009. it was overlooked and forgotten. a recent designapplause post [ 2B people don’t poop safely ] brought it back to life. +h2o is a concept that is three or more years old. it may still be in concept form. the idea behind the concept is that in an emergency situation, when surviving a waterless state means drinking urine, with this device you can survive.
the thought of drinking urine is a little off-putting. about the same as eating a freshly killed tender raw rabbit. i’m ok to eat maguro or venison tartar however.
two thumbs up for seeking an innovative solution to the life or death water scarcity problem. don’t stop the exploration. regarding the inspiration to reviving this discussion, that of creating an envelope-pushing sanitary, affordable, eco-friendly, good hygiene messaging poop handling system. maybe a big-incentive award for solving the problem similar to the challenge that elicited the latest LED light bulbs [ LED is a very hot cool light bulb ]
designer: leonardo manavella