la triennale di milano is an international cultural institution with over 90 years of history behind that stages exhibitions, conferences and events on art, design, architecture, fashion, cinema, communication and society.
it promotes exhibitions dedicated to contemporary art, to nationally and internationally celebrated architects and designers, to fashion designers that have transformed tastes and customs.
chauncey zalkin discovers a history lesson while visiting 2011 la triennale di milano.

“here it is: the best insight of the show. thanks alberto alessi (curator)”
[ full story at
what women make ] @whatwomenmake | see other examples at
salone internazionale del mobile

For design addicts, yet another thing to visit while at milan 2011. You’ll get the best of both worlds. The new and the timeless classics. Try to fit it in, you won’t be sorry.
Triennale de milano
viale alemagna, 6
metro – linee 1 e 2, fermata cadoma – triennale
autobus – linea 61, fermata triennale
[ la triennale di milano. design museum ]