the appropriately named “beast” is the latest model to come from M55, the bike design and manufact – uring powerhouse.
M55 employs a team of electronic and mechanical engineers, industrial designers and finite element analysts to dream up, construct and tirelessly test the most cutting-edge hybrid bikes on the market. At $35,000 the “Beast” is a luxury item to be sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not capable of performing under intense off-road conditions. A specialized motor works with the rider instead of simply being operated by him/her. “The motor is not a substitute for your human power, but an addition. If the sensor feels that you need some extra torque, the motor switches on to multiply your effort.”
It also boasts some serious components, like motor power and battery capacity above and beyond the industry standard and brakes by Brembo, heretofore found only on Formula1 race cars. After checking out the specs it’s easy to agree with M55’s boast that “if Batman was a nonfictional person, he’d have a Beast in his garage.”
producer: m55

about perrin drumm
marcus hays, founder and designer of pimobility, has hit on something pretty special with his electric-hybrid bike, the picycle.

The bright red, swooping frame immediately grabs your attention, and its statistics, like the fact that it produces zero-emissions, hooks you. The $3,000 – $5,000 price tag may put you off, and it’s certainly not for everyone, but when you consider that the yearly operating cost is almost nil, it ends up balancing out, saving you thousands that you would ordinarily spend on gas and maintenance for a car.
While it can’t boast the speed of a car, for getting around the city you couldn’t ask for a better ride. The Picycle reaches up to 30 mph (although the legal speed for electric bikes is 20 mph in most states) and runs for about 20 miles on a single charge. It uses a Lithion-ion battery, which is housed in the arcing aluminum frame, and takes only 2.5 hours to charge. You can ride it like a plain old bike, with electric-assist or completely under electric propulsion. Not having to pedal up a hill or in the heat means that if you’re someone who uses their bike to commute to and from work, no more arriving to work in a sweat-soaked dress shirt. And for the weekend joy-ride or trip to the beach, there’s no more sitting in traffic or stopping to tank up.
Pi electric bikes price: $2,999 to $4,999.
designer: marcus hays
producer: pimobility

about perrin drumm