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Your brain may say more form than function but not as much as you might imagine. And the weight and material feel quite appropriate. The mismatch may be the highly philosophical Fionacci sequence with it’s base of the average hand width that determines the knives proportions and the name of these knives: the Meeting Knives. Suggested retail is $1,250 for the set of four though $750 online. You are paying for precision as the knives fit perfectly together. Not surprising that Yves Béhar, designer of the Herman Miller Sayl, a least materials design solution, put a set of these knives on his holiday gift list. The design won the European Design Award for Cutlery Creation. [ designapplause objects ]
designer: mia schamallenbach
producer: deglon
material: stainless steel, teflon

laurie rosenwald (designer) reveals how not working is better than working, and how to sell it [click photos to enlarge]
Author of this post (designer) cuts and pastes this and that, drafts a definition of design: (noun) refers to 1. a plan or convention, for the construction of an object or a system, manifested by an agent(s), intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components-or not, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints; 2. no generally-accepted definition of “design” exists, and the term has different connotations in different fields.
With that definition in hand contemplate the purpose of the Cusp Conference—the design of everything. Greg Samata, Dave Mason, Kevin Kreuger (designers) of Smbolic (formerly SamataMason) and Joan Julian (glue) in four years have created a tightly run, cutting-edge, sometimes quirky, always inspiring, sold out, two-day creativity summit/boot camp.

matt diffee (cartoonist) always is asked where he gets ideas…he thinks of them. he points out the design of the images – and words if there are any.

sarah elizabeth impel is (founder/ceo/educator) of a chicago public elementary school connecting organic gardening, children, and education. one of many speakers making lemonade out of lemons.
van phillips (inventor) athlete and amputee is motivated to create flex-foot cheetah (oscar pistorius) shares refinements such as a limb designed for water skiing

yves behar (planet-hot designer) points out how to subtract materials from herman miller’s ergonomic & sustainable sayl chair. this award winner inspired by suspension bridges
Happy I attended again, sad I did not win the give-a-ways, again, like quite a few Herman Miller Sayl Chairs or Scott Wilson’s TikTok or LunaTik iPod Nano wrist docks among other things. A conference that displays design in many shapes, colors, and sounds. Follow DesignApplause and others via #Cusp @CuspConference | | quote: the creative adult is the child that has survived @RitaJKing [ cusp ] [ herman miller ] [ lunatik ] [ designchat ]