The trends of heimtextil 2012
11 > 14 january 2012 | frankfurt | left: color riot | click > enlarge
Heimtextil is the first show of the year and is the leading international trade fair for home and
contract textiles.
left: craft industry
left: dark lux
left: split clarity
For over 20 years Heimtextil has developed and released the trends of the year offering insights into future-oriented trends and materials for the coming seasons. This year, the design agency, bora.herke.palmisano focused on rich, fresh shades when designing the concept of the Trend Show and fabric selection. Visitors to the international trade fair for home and contract textiles can obtain a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in four elaborate thematic worlds while international designers provide in-depth information about the trends in accompanying lectures.
The current design themes are “Color Riot”, “Dark Luxe”, “Craft Industry”, and “Split Clarity”. An insight into the work can be found at the [ Trend Table ] Further information on the fair may be found at [ heimtextil 2012 ]