damien hirst leaves gagosian gallery after 17 years.
damien hirst leaves gagosian gallery after 17 years. london gagosian gallery director said we’ve always supported him but damien has always done things differently. via nytimes [RK]
damien hirst leaves gagosian gallery after 17 years. london gagosian gallery director said we’ve always supported him but damien has always done things differently. via nytimes [RK]
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The Gagosian Gallery app for iPhone and iPad has just come to our attention. We also learned the app won a Silver Lion at Cannes 2012 Lions in June under a new “mobile lions” competition category. Below is the entry description:
The Gagosian App for iPads is the first free app of its kind to provide exclusive access to distinguished artists from around the world, giving the user the ability to explore art in an entirely new way. With its 360-degree views and 3-D exploration of actual galleries, an art lover, collector or student can tour the Gagosian gallery in London, Paris or New York from their apartment in Prague or LA. Organized around current Gagosian exhibitions, the app offers a wealth of information and historical knowledge in multiple audiovisual formats, immersing users in an interactive art experience that entertains and educates. Leveraging the gestural interface of the iPad, the app allows users to experience art in new ways, from gigapixel zoom to touch-based 180 and 360-degree virtual reality. Site: Richard Serra 360 Immersive Experience The cavernous gallery exploration of Richard Sera’s Cycle and Junction sculptures is re-created with a virtual walk through in the app. Layers of artwork can be peeled away, inviting the viewer to discover how art is created, evolving from sketch to colorisation to completion. Site: Jon Currin or Roy Lichtenstein Sketch Viewers Compare the initial sketches of an artist’s work to their finished piece by simply scrolling over the image. Since viewing and interpreting art is a personal experience, exploration is encouraged, as users are drawn in to discover, get lost, rediscover and create all on their own. Innovative technologies allow our users to touch, feel and learn. Site: Damien Hirst’s Dynamically Generative Spot Paintings Create new combinations of Damien Hirst’s spot paintings by leveraging the iPad’s gyroscope technology. Simply tilt the device to see the dots fluidly change color within Mr. Hirst’s pre-set color scheme. The HD resolution images displayed in app allow users to look at the artwork so closely that they can see the brushwork and nearly feel the texture of the works created by world renowned and widely respected artists. Bold, innovative, creative, and totally unique, the Gagosian app brings the world’s most unique fine art collections into the living rooms of the art lover, the collector, the creative, and those simply interested in observing the beauty of innovative thinking.
[review ] This is a well organized and well designed app. However, all the features described above did not work on my iPad2 v5.1.1. Possibly the app needs iPad3. The help section (ty) lists icons for various functions such as 360 view, 360 room view, rotate, audio commentary, but these icons were nowhere to be seen. The only icons found and tested and did work: full-screen, map, and shop. Somewhat surprised that this app won the prestigious Silver Lion despite the good looks and ease of navigation. The 360 Immersive Experience must be a difference maker and especially if this is the first free app of its kind to provide exclusive access to distinguished artists from around the world. Just made a note to again play with iPad3 and download this app while at the Apple store.
[ gagosian gallery ] is a contemporary art gallery owned and directed by Larry Gagosian. There are currently eleven gallery spaces: three in New York; two in London; one in each of Beverly Hills, Rome, Athens, Paris, Geneva and Hong Kong. [ cannes lions ] app design by [ @radical.media ]
left/concept: designapplause | original art: designapplause | execution: designapplause
If you haven’t heard, Bob Dylan’s exhibit of his paintings titled “The Asian Series” which can be seen at New York’s Gagosian Gallery is in the news. His fan club blog, Expecting Rain, appears to have discovered and announced that the paintings are very near look-a-likes to photos found online. Anything wrong with that?
left/boys playing chess in front of the trocadero hotel | dmitri kessel || bob dylan installation view | click to enlarge
The following figures are for dramatic affect, you know, creative license: media is feeding (1%); savants are chuckling (5%); lawyers are chuckling (5%); fans defending (10%); critics are opining (15%); the rest, wtf—guessing (64%). DesignApplause feels its mission is to raise awareness by asking the tough questions and providing links to resources to ease the mind.
[DA] What were Dylan and Gagosian thinkin?
a> Gagosian thinks they can slip one past the public
b> Dylan thinks he can slip one past both Gagosian and the public
c> Gagosian and Dylan weren’t thinkin
d> Gagosian and Dylan and fan club actually plan this for a bigger media blast
e> All of the above
[DA] What best describes Dylan’s creative process on The Asian Series?
a> entire project done in complete isolation so no one said Bob are you sure you want to do this?
b> bounced ideas off John Birch Society
c> bounced ideas off Richard Prince
d> bounced ideas off Gagosian
e> followed business as usual borrowing from this and that
[DA] Each of BD’s paintings is $350,000 with only four left to purchase. There was a private showing. Which painting below is worth more?
left/very strong resemblance to campbell soup can | right/very strong resemblance to an okinawa soba photo | click to enlarge
a> painting on left, the artist is dead
b> painting on left, the painting is older
c> painting on left, not done by a folk singer
d> painting on left, is more well known
e> all of the above
[DA] How many buyers will be returning their purchases when they find out that their BD paintings were non-original images? btw—small torn campbell soup pepper pot can painting (62) sold for $11.8M in 2006
a> all of them
b> 33%
c> 66%
d> none of them
e> flipping them for $500k
You know what’s a bit over the top? Richard Prince wrote the text for “The Asia Series” catalog. Prince and Gagosian lost a suit with French photographer Patrick Cariou. Coriou accused Prince of copying 41 of his photographs. We’re told the catalog has since been shelved. Is this serendipity? [Ed: Gagosian confirms catalog is on sale at gallery 5 Oct]
Let’s close with a quote from Solomon, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
left/what to you think? gagosian-worthy? we love you bob
[ gagosian gallery ] [ the new yorker ] [ artinfo ] [ scott warmuth ] [ expecting rain ]
dates: 20 september | 22 october
venue: gagosian gallery | 980 madison avenue new york city
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