jens risom rebirth of a danish modern pioneer found during milan design week 2019.
furniture, objects and textile by de padova, fredericia, stellar works and camira : 2019 is jens risom year! risom was a versatile and successful danish-american designer and businessman who took usa by storm from the 1940s onwards. as part of a new vanguard, he was one of the first designers to introduce the modernist aesthetics and values of function and craftsmanship to the united states.
showcasing: risom sofa (new), risom a chair (new), risom magazine table (new).
salone del mobile: hall 22 – stand b25-27
de padova
showcasing: risom ‘connecticut’ coffee table 2 sizes (new)
salone del mobile: hall 22 – stand c23-d20
boffi / de padova flagship store: via solferino 11, 20120 milan
stellar works
showcasing: risom c140 + c142 chair, risom u430 chair (new), risom bookcase (new), risom coffee table (new) and risom desk (new)
agapecasa + stellar works: “behind the scenes”: galleria manzoni via alessandro manzoni, 20121 milan