the salon art + design 2015.
the success of [ the salon ] lies in the quality of the 55 exhibiting galleries, the extremely international flavor of the material, and this eclecticism that is highly sought by today’s collectors and influencers. up until expo chicago this past september, the salon could claim other fairs allow art, but no design or conversely design without art. the organizers’ willingness to consider all material—historic to contemporary—is predicated on the belief that today’s designers and collectors insist on a vibrant mix—as long as the quality is impeccable.
[ galleries ]
ammann//gallery / germany
galerie l’arc en seine / france
anne autegarden / belgium
galerie berès / france
galerie boulakia / france
carpenters workshop gallery / england
the robber baron buffet 2014 /studio job / carpenters workshop gallery
galerie chastel-maréchal / france
connaught brown / england
delorenzo gallery / u.s.a.
demisch danant / u.s.a.
table marronnier 2015 / maria pergay / demisch danant
patrick derom gallery / belgium
galerie dumonteil / us.a.
galerie dutko / england
galerie ulrich fiedler / germany
friedman benda / u.s.a.
detanoto modular shelf 1951,63 / fernando and humberto campana / friedman benda
thomas fritsch – artrium / france
david gill gallery / england
bernd goeckler antiques / u.s.a.
michael goedhuis / england
bernard goldberg fine arts / u.s.a.
oscar graf / france
cristina grajales gallery / u.s.a.
richard green / england
vivian horan fine art / u.s.a.
hostler burrows / u.s.a.
kraemer gallery / france
galerie kreo / france
basket side table 2015 / jaime hayon / galerie kreo
j. lohmann gallery / u.s.a.
yves macaux / england
galerie alain marcelpoil / france
galerie marcilhac / france
mazzoleni galleria d’arte / italy
mark mcdonald / u.s.a.
todd merrill studio contemporary / u.s.a.
galerie le minotaure / france
joan b mirviss ltd. / u.s.a.
moderne gallery / u.s.a.
modernity / sweden
richard nagy ltd. / england
nilufar / italy
pair of pitz chest of drawers 2013 / rida / nilufar
galleria o. roma / italy
galerie du passage / france
galerie diane de polignac / france
priveekollektie contemporary art | design / netherlands
r & company / u.s.a.
therapeutic toy double-face pony 2015 / renate müller / r & company
robilant + voena / england
salon 94 / u.s.a.
adrian sassoon / england
seomi international / u.s.a.
afterimage 012-379 2012 / kim sang hoon / seomi international
m.f. toninelli art moderne / monaco
vallois / france
axel vervoordt / belgium
galerie maria wettergren / france
glass sculpture 2013 / tora urup / galerie maria wettergren
wexler gallery / u.s.a.
galerie zlotowski / france
event> the salon art + design
date> 12 > 16 november 2015
venue> park avenue armory nyC