opening public reception | friday evening 30 may 30 | 6 > 10p
CHGO DSGN [Chicago Design], a major exhibition of Recent Object and Graphic Design by 100+ of the city’s leading designers, will open 31 May and run through 2 November 2014 at the Chicago Cultural Center.

Chicago has long been regarded as an international center for design, and this retrospective celebrates the region’s creative and innovative spirit. The exhibition is curated by Rick Valicenti, 2011 recipient of the prestigious Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award, with displays designed by Tim Parsons, Associate Professor of Designed Objects at the School of the Art Institute.
white room
plaid room
“Chicago design is alive once again and on display for the world to see,” Valicenti says. “Almost a century ago, Chicago designers were at the epicenter of print. A few years later, Chicago was home to the New Bauhaus, and in the 70s our designers championed international modernism. Today’s designers are reverberating with inspiration from storied times as they amplify Chicago design’s future.”
Surprise, invention, and risk run through the 200+ works on display. A broad range of endeavors are featured from functional objects to theoretical proposals.
Highlights include the DIVVY bike naming and graphic identity program by IDEO and Firebelly, the world’s thinnest watch from Central Standard Timing, an exhibition catalog for the Art Institute of Chicago by Studio Blue, some of the best Kickstarter-funded initiatives such as TIKTOK by MNML design director Scott Wilson, an open-source international library of icons called The Noun Project, and product designer Steven Haulenbeek’s collection of bronze bowls cast in the ice during this winter’s frigid polar vortex.
The exhibition features work from Chicago’s established design studios: Crosby Associates, Morningstar, VSA Partners, Wright, the University of Chicago Press, the Department of Design at Leo Burnett, Threadless, and furniture-design legend Holly Hunt.
odense chair | holly hunt
the way of the shovel scratch-off poster | romain andré and michael savona | mark dion, shovel illustration on the top layer and tony tasset, uncovered photograph, images courtesy mca chicago
The next generation of designers are featured as well, including the delicate utensil designs by Martin Kastner for Alinea, publications designed by James Goggin, an experimental book by Plural, a sonically-activated animation by John Pobojewski of Thirst, the radical designs by Materious, audio-generated posters for the Poetry Foundation by Sonnenzimmer, public works by the designers from the Museum of Contemporary Art, and a conceptual study for typography made with water by Matt Wizinsky.
A selection of works will have their Chicago debut, including a limited edition bronze chair by furniture designer Jonathan Nesci, a bookshelf by Felicia Ferrone, a sculptural leather chair by Jay Sae Jung Oh, a film using an experimental microscopic camera by Leviathan, and an incense-burning skull by Cody Hudson.

lunatik taktik extreme | minimal
o’hare terminal 5 murals | thirst
[ opening public reception ] friday evening 30 may 30 | 6 > 10p / exhibit hall | chicago cultural center | 78 east washington | 4th floor
[ exhibitors lists ]
Aaron Ferber, IDEO
Adrianne Hawthorne
Alan Snider, VSA Partners
Alberto Velez, HOLLY HUNT
Alex Fuller
Alex Gilbert
Alex Solis, Threadless
Alexa Vicious, Plural
Alisa Wolfson, Leo Burnett
Alli Nash, Wink Design Atelier
Andrew Fenchel, LAMPO
Andy Gray, VSA Partners
Ania Jaworska
Baozhen Li, Thirst
Bart Crosby, Crosby Associates
Ben Deter, Faust
Ben Stagl, ChiLab
Beth Weaver
Bo Rodda, ChiLab
Bob Faust, Faust
Bob Zeni
Bradon Webb, Leviathan
Brandon Hill
Brandt Brinkerhoff, BB-KK
Brandy Olsen, Leviathan
Brenda Bergen, Wink Design Atelier
Brendan Shanley
Brett Schnacky, Mode Project
Brian Hieggelke, Newcity
Brian Watterson, Studio Blue
Brooks Ruyle, Mode Project
Bruce Tharp, Materious
Bryce Wilner
Bud Rodecker, Thirst
Cameron Brand, Thirst
Casey Lurie
Casey Martin, Leo Burnett
Chad Hutson, Leviathan
Chad Kouri
Charles Adler, Kickstarter
Cheryl Towler Weese, Studio Blue
Chris Beers, Leviathan
Chris Roeleveld
Chrissi Cowhey, Studio Blue
Christopher Gentner, Gentner Design
Chrystine Doerr, VSA Partners
Claire Williams-Martinez, Studio Blue
Claudia Alberts, VSA Partners
Claudine Litman, VSA Partners
Cody Hudson, Struggle Inc.
Colin Carter, Mode Project
Colin Hall, VSA Partners
Colleen Tracey, Firebelly
Corey Roach, VSA Partners
Craig Zacok, Leviathan
Craighton Berman
Cristina Anichi, VSA Partners
Curt Schreiber, VSA Partners
Cyril Marsollier, Club Club
Dan Forbes, Leo Burnett
Dan Knuckey, VSA Partners
Dan Kraemer, IA Collaborative
Dan Marsden, JNL Design
Dana Arnett, VSA Partners
Darren McPherson, Firebelly
Dave Hanicak, VSA Partners
Dave Pabellon, Faust
Dave Reynolds, Wink Design Atelier
Dave Vondle, Central Standard Timing
David Berthy, IDEO
David Brodeur, Leviathan
David Williams, Morningstar
Dawn Hancock, Firebelly
Denny Liu, VSA Partners
Dustin Yerks, VSA Partners
Eiji Jimbo, Thing Thing
Elaine Fong, IDEO
Eleanor Kung, Studio Blue
Emily Bentrup, VSA Partners
Erin Borreson, Legacy Frameworks
Felicia Ferrone, fferrone
Franchec Crespo
Frank Garguilo, Wink Design Atelier
Gene Bellini
Gina Rossi, VSA Partners
Gosia Sobus, Crosby Associates
Greg Calvert, Firebelly
Greg Samata, Samata
Helen Maria Nugent, Haelo Design
Hillary Geller, Studio Blue
Holly Hunt, HOLLY HUNT
Howard Willenzik, VSA Partners
Hwa-Ryong Kim, Newcity
Ian Koenig, VSA Partners
Isaac Tobin, University of Chicago Press
Ivan Brunetti
J. Brad Sturm, Studio Blue
Jackson Cavanaugh
Jake Nickell, Threadless
James Costello, Costello Communications
James Goggin, Practise
Jamie Koval, VSA Partners
Jarrod Ryhal, VSA Partners
Jarut Chanprapanont, TNOP DESIGN
Jason Gillette, ChiLab
Jason Jones, 50,000feet
Jason McKean, Leo Burnett
Jason Pickleman, JNL Design
Jason White, Leviathan
Jay Sae Jung Oh
Jeff Mumford, Crosby Associates
Jennifer Mahanay, Wright
Jeremiah Chiu, Plural
Jerry O’Leary, Central Standard Timing
Jessada Weesuwan, TNOP DESIGN
Jessi Adrignola, Samata
Jessica Charlesworth, Parsons & Charlesworth
Jill Shimabukuro, University of Chicago Press
Jilly Simons, Concrete
Jim Misner, 50,000feet
Jim Toth, VSA Partners
Jin Ko, IDEO
Joanna Vodopivec, Crosby Associates
Joe Van Wetering, Threadless
John Fisher, VSA Partners
John Massey
John Pobojewski, Thirst
Jon Krohn, Plural
Jonathan Nesci, HALE
Jonathan Sadler, Tenspeed Hero
Jonathan Turitz, VSA Partners
Josh Witherspoon, VSA Partners
Julie Driggs, VSA Partners
Kate Trogan, VSA Partners
Katherine Walker, BB-KK
Katrina Nelken, Leviathan
Kelly Bjork, VSA Partners
Kelly Dorsey, Leo Burnett
Ken Fox, 50,000feet
Kevin Primm, Leviathan
Kristen Cullen, Grillo Group
Kristofer Newgren, VSA Partners
Kuan Wen Chiu, ChiLab
Kuen Chang, IDEO
Kyle Fletcher
Kyle Hames, VSA Partners
Kyle Poff, Kyle Poff Design
Lauren Ayers, Tenspeed Hero
Lauren Boegen, Studio Blue
Lauren Gallagher
Lauren Nassef
Levi Borreson, Legacy Frameworks
Lim Heng Swee, Threadless
Luke Batten, Tenspeed Hero
Lyndon Valicenti
Magdalena Wistuba
Maggie Lewis, Studio Blue
Maria Grillo, Grillo Group
Martin Kastner, Crucial Detail
Mary Yang, Studio Blue
Mathew Dorfman
Matt Daly, Leviathan
Matt Ganser, VSA Partners
Matt Herlihy, VSA Partners
Matt Puhalla, MINIMAL
Matt Wizinsky, Studio Junglecat
Matthew Hieggelke, Newcity
Matthew Hoffman
Matthew Terdich, Morningstar
Max Davis, ChiLab
Maya Romanoff
Megan Deal, Studio Blue
Melanie Carson, Newcity
Melissa Keller, VSA Partners
Michael Freimuth, VSA Partners
Michael Savona
Mike Bingaman, Plural
Mike Coon, Leviathan
Mike LaHood, Leviathan
Mike McQuade
Mike Scussel, VSA Partners
Molly McGee, VSA Partners
Mosher, @MosherShow
Nadine Nakanshi, Sonnenzimmer
Nancy Flemm, pixies & porcupines
Nancy McCabe, Costello Communications
Natalia Kowaleczko, Leo Burnett
Nick Adam, Firebelly
Nick Butcher, Sonnenzimmer
Ohn Ho, Firebelly
Paul Higgins, Chicago Reader
Peter Cuba, VSA Partners
Rachel Broaddus, Leviathan
Rachel Mulder, Thing Thing
Regan Blough, Concrete
Renata Graw, Plural
Renee Benz, Morningstar
Rick Valicenti, Thirst
Robyn Paprocki, MCA Design Department
Romain Andre
Ron Berkheimer, VSA Partners
Ron Kirckpatrick, Haelo Design
Ron Kovach, DesignApplause
Ross Zietz, Threadless
Sam Silvio
Sandro, Sandro, Inc.
Sara Frisk, IDEO
Sarah Herda
Sarah Trent, VSA Partners
Scott Reinhard
Scott Thomas
Scott Wilson, MINIMAL
Shan James, Practise
Sharon Burdett, Strand Design
Silja Hillmann, Studio Blue
Simon Anton, Thing Thing
Stacey Donaldson, VSA Partners
Stefan Draht, Mode Project
Stefan Herman, VSA Partners
Stephan Draht, Mode Project
Stephanie Tharp, Materious
Stephen Farrell, Slip Studios
Steve Christopher, MINIMAL
Steve Ryan, VSA Partners
Steven Haulenbeek
Stratton Cherouny, VSA Partners
Sung Jang, Sung Jang Laboratory
Tanner Woodford, Morningstar
Ted Burdett, Strand Design
Thom Moran, Thing Thing
Thomas Leinberger
Thomas Wolfe, VSA Partners
Tim Alamillo
Tim Parsons, Parsons & Charlesworth
Tim Sepulveda, Leviathan
Timothy White, VSA Partners
Tnop Wangsillapakun, TNOP DESIGN
Todd Piper, VSA Partners
Tony Mingo, VSA Partners
Tony Riazzi, VSA Partners
Tracy West, 50,000feet
Tricia Chamberlain, Leo Burnett
Tuan Pham, Studio Blue
Tyler Deal, Idiot Pull
Valarie D’Antonio, VSA Partners
Wallo Villacorta, Club Club
Wesley Webb, Wink Design Atelier
Whitney Waters, Crosby Associates
Will Miller, Firebelly
Willie Diaz, VSA Partners
Wiriya Mana-anantakul, TNOP DESIGN,
Zoë Ryan, The Art Institute of Chicago
Exhibition resources made possible by > Smithfield Properties, Best Imaging
Additional resources provided by > Casati Gallery, Cenveo, Classic Color, FLOR, Graphic Arts Studio, Holly Hunt, Lamin-8, Leo Burnett, Maya Romanoff, Morningstar, TenFab Design, Wright
Opening Reception refreshments provided by > Goose Island Beer Company, SkinnyPop
[ opening public reception ] friday evening 30 may 30 | 6 > 10p
[ general information ] dates > 31 may – 02 nov 2014 / venue > exhibit hall | chicago cultural center | 78 east washington | 4th floor
[ chgo dsgn happenings ]