Eco paints paint town green.
Eco paints paint the town green. An ethical, inexpensive option. via the guardian [PR]
Eco paints paint the town green. An ethical, inexpensive option. via the guardian [PR]
Gwyneth and Chris outed for leaky home. Other hotshot greens labeled too. Is this like being on a steroid list? via uk times [PR]
Energy is something that is all around us. The challenging part is finding a way to harness this energy.
ReCycle targets the wasted energy that is generated while riding a bicycle and empowers consumers to not only consume, but produce.
This concept effectively takes you of “the grid” to power and recharge your electronics gadgets.
How Recycle works:
It captures kinetic energy from the subtle rocking back and forth while pedaling, bumpy terrain the user may travel over and any other movements that take place during a bike ride. ReCycle contains three micro generators and a lithium ion battery. These micro generators create an electric charge during any movement of the bicycle. When this electric charge is generated, it is stored in a lithium ion battery. This battery is attached to the charging unit while the user is riding their bike. After the ride, the battery can be easily removed and used to power any number of electronics. At one end of the battery there is a basic wall outlet.
Imagine having a cell phone that has never been plugged into the wall!
This technology is currently being developed to create self charged batteries for cell phones and other electronic devices at m2e power
Designer: Evan Grant. USA
The days are getting longer in the Northern hemisphere: a good time to assess you lawn care needs.
The manufacturer, Neuton, say “We are dedicated to making the world’s most innovative and dependable battery-powered lawn and garden equipment for people who care about the maintenance of their properties and the health of our environment. Our forward-thinking designs reduce the noise and pollution of traditional gas power equipment, making yard work more enjoyable. Consistent with these goals, a portion of our profits are donated to community organizations working to clean our air.”
Producer: Neuton
Product reviews ( third party ) view customer reviews on neuton mowers
Greener gadgets. 2009. February 27, 2009. New York City USA.
Innovators, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and eco-designers will return to New York City to discuss the future of sustainability for the consumer electronics industry.
Green:Net 2009. March 24, 2009. San Francisco, CA USA.
The First Green Conference for the Internet Technology Industry
At Green:Net, we’ll show you how the tools created in the Internet, computing and IT revolutions will be crucial for fighting climate change. Whether you’re in a corporation looking to learn about best Green IT practices or you’re an entrepreneur looking for your next venture, Green:Net in San Francisco is a must-attend event that will allow you to take away the best ideas, contacts and thinkers in this space.
News about the new stimulus package. Global warming worries. Quality of food on our grocery shelves an issue. How do you really feel?
via ecowonk
Uncle Sam wants your green ideas. via forcedgreen [PR]
USA companies are greener in 2008. via treehugger [PR]
Designers are invited to explore the concept of “Greener Gadgets.” Designs should seek to minimize the environmental impact of consumer electronic devices at any stage in the product lifecycle. Areas of sustainability to consider include energy, materials/lifecycle/recycling, social impact, and educational development. Designers can focus on a particular area of human enterprise (learning, playing, communicating, etc.), or a particular context (work, home, school, etc.), a particular material, or a specific device. Entries may also seek to create new paradigms for products and services.
This year, the top 50 entries will be published on the web for voting and commenting, and top finalists will be showcased live at the Greener Gadgets Conference in New York City on February 27th for judging by an expert panel.
For more information: Design a greener gadget. Last year’s winners. via Core77
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