The Seoul Design Foundation together with designboom presents the winners of an international design competition. The Seoul Cycle Design Competition’s theme, ‘cycling with design: Seoul style,’ and is part of Seoul’s city-wide effort at improving its design brand and image. Once considered a ‘hard’ city, Seoul is making strides toward becoming a ‘soft’ city, embracing design concepts that will redefine its urban environment with an emphasis on themes centering on green, blue, history, and human. The winners were announced September 19.
and the winner is…
Bike 2.0 by Nils Sveje, Inoda Sveje design studio & IPU Produktudvikling

designer’s own words: bike 2.0 the next generation bicycle, will give you more fun with energy boosts when you are cruising around. it makes your daily ride more comfortable with energy leveling and the stepless gearbox. you can even add the seat-tube battery and get there faster. bike 2.0 has a generator and wires instead of a chain, so you will never get oily pants or fingers from the chain again. the two wireless control-units will control any aspect of your ride. you can easily control all this with the two wireless rings on the handlebar.

short listed concepts included…
Beik by Lukas Jungmann

left: featuring audi branding, folding mechanism, articulated frame steering and the untypical frame setup.
Full Circle by Sanghyun jeong & Jun-Tae Park

left: foldable compact size, large wheel size (508mm, 20inch), no chains but free wheel gear directly connects to pedals.
Tribune by Thüring Lukas, Lukas Thüring & Florian V

left: electric operated tricycle-recumbent bike, external battery, lockable boot to store items above rear wheel, adjustable headrest / pedals, flexible backrest, front / rear lights.
Molecule by Yongjin Lee

left: body is modeled on the river Han of Seoul.
Ridenpush by You Ho Jeon

left: a riding bicycle with a wagon can convert into a pushcart when heavy, intended for the elderly.
X Bike by Woogyeong Go, Dong-ha Kim & Kyeongpyo Cho

left: looks like the letter “X”, no chain technology.
T-bike by Jung Geun Tak & Shinhyun Kang of T.A.K studio

left: iconic design, folding handlebars doubles as lock, embedded GPS, E-INK and EPD technology monitor, adjustable seat with seat height index indicator and can be adjusted while seated.
Carrier Bike by Shin Hyung Sub Shin

left: a convenient carrier, shelf located in the middle of the bicycle, designed to help carry the users luggage.
Helo by Junkyo Lee

left: unique body, integrated lock design to prevent theft.
Unico by miguel angel iranzo sanchez

left: constructed in one piece without welds, every part is recyclable, pigments (even fluorescent ones) can be mass-injected, rigid frame / flexible fork.

left: folding cycle, super-formed aluminum frame, hubless pedal system, hollow main axis, neatly folded look.
seoul design fair
yanko design