wired’s ad-blocking experiment. advertising age.
listen up syndicator, publisher and advertiser…
in early february, condé nast’s wired took a stand against the rise of ad-blocking technology, which was being used on more than 20% of visits to the magazine’s website.
it gave ad-blocking wired readers two options: whitelist wired.com, allowing ads to be served as intended, or pay $1 per week for an ad-free version of the site.
click > gatorade – push toy
one comment from this article…
brent pulford apr 30, 2016 10:42 am
i have ad blocking installed but it’s there for all the ambush style advertising that can be so irritating. it was getting so bad before ad block that i stopped visiting certain sites because i couldn’t read anything without being interrupted with these idiotic pop up balloons every 15 seconds or so. advertisers are so damn thick they seem to believe that irritating a consumer is worth if their ad gets viewed. it’s not. but as a writer who worked 30 years in advertising for global brands, i know that many corporations try very hard to create advertising that rewards the viewer or reader. and i completely understand what pays the freight for many of the sites i like to visit. if i were to purchase a wired magazine i could very easily spend time with up to a third of the ads. so i’m happy to turn off ad block when visiting wired’s site or any other credible site. and in doing so actually look forward to some of the ads i might see.
click > GlaxoSmithKline – party
full story via ad age