same porsche 918 spyder spotted in south beach & west hollywood.
last weekend at hotel jeremy in west hollywood two cars catch our eye in our parking lot. one is a 2018 matte metallic grey aston martin db11, the other a 2018 porsche 918 spyder. what stands out with each car…the db11, omg what a sound it generates. the 918, omg what a paint job though may not be not paint but a film that reduces the weight of the car. it looks red in the photo but it’s a sick rose colored aluminum.
we find out that the porsche owner is staying at our hotel for a few months and his car cost $1.3m usd. the db11, no photos as i was always too slow to take the shot.
[ 2018 porsche 918 spyder – west hollywood ]
with we think a weissach package
[ 2018 porsche 918 spyder – south beach ]
small world web search finds the following photos shot in south beach.
below > weissach package explained
[ 2018 aston martin db11 ]
here’ how she sounds…
below > here’s how she looks