design / 23 oct 2014 11a cst. wright.
above> rare bowl chair | lina bo bardi | 1951
auction > 23 oct 2014 | 11a CST
This October Wright presents an exciting selection of modern works by some of the 20th century’s most renowned designers including notable works by Alexander Girard, Paul Evans, Gio Ponti and Ettore Sottsass, to name a few. Single owner collections stand prominently in this auction with remarkable works from the design collection of the pioneering dealers, Full House and an exceptional group of ESUs by Charles and Ray Eames from the original owner. Finally, the sale features more than twenty lots designed by Tommi Parzinger for the Appleman Commission in 1956. Parzinger thoughtfully designed every detail of the Appleman interior and the collection includes lighting, tables, and seating along with specially designed door hardware and construction drawings from the project.
prototype scarica elettrica table lamp | lapo binazzi | 1973 / 1985
chair from the mobili nella valle series | mario ceroli | poltronova | 1972
faceted cabinet | paul evans | paul evans studio | 1965
rare daybed | kho liang ie | artifort | c. 1959 / 1960
muren ljusblå flatweave carpet | marianne richter | märta måås- fjetter- ström | 1971
dining set | warren platner | knoll | 1966
pair of committe armchairs | pierre jeanneret | c. 1953
sasso vase | antonio da ros | cenedese | 1959
svincolo lamp from the bauhaus collection | ettore sottsass | studio alchimia | 1979
[ design ] includes nearly 250 works of exceptional design. Each item will be featured in our award-winning, full-color auction catalog as well as presented in our online preview at [ View lots ] | 1440 West Hubbard Street Chicago | 312 563 0020
[ auction / chicago ] preview / chicago || 16 – 23 October 2014 | 10a > 5p monday > saturday | sunday by appointment
auction > 23 oct 2014 | 11a CST