prince 1958 > 2016. a backstory.
while visiting the 2014 bowie installation at the chicago museum of contemporary art i bought mugshot coaster sets as gifts. though sometimes curious about each backstory this is an inaugural google of the prince mugshot.
his temporary arrest in jackson, mississippi on 29 march 29 1980. prince and keyboardist dr. fink were detained for stealing a megaphone from an airplane
while on tour in 1980 opening up for rick james, fink had suggested to prince that they should get a police megaphone as a stage prop. the next day, the band boarded a plane and coincidently, fink noticed the plane had an emergency bullhorn in an overhead bin. he pointed it out to prince, who then convinced him to put it in his bag since he didn’t have a carry on. a lady sitting behind prince notified the flight attendant of the theft while the plane was still on the tarmac. fink explained,
“the next thing we know, the pilot comes out and announces, ‘it has come to our attention someone has removed some emergency equipment from the airplane, which is a federal offense ”
sky marshals conducted a search and found it on fink and in a stand up move, prince voluntarily went to jail with him. they were arrested and sent to a local joint, but it turned into a big meet and greet and prince ended up posing for pictures and signing autographs in jail.
a pop/funk/rock artist who showed remarkable stylistic growth and musical diversity.
he could negotiate god and sex ~ angela davis
new yorker cover added to this post 22 april, 2016, and at this moment all over the internet.