an architecture biennial unveils avant-garde ideas, materials, technologies and practices and serves as a forum for architects to make connections, collaborate with others and engage the public in issues and concerns in the field. the biennial also recognizes outstanding work in the industry.
the graham foundation is pleased to present the available city, part of the fourth edition of the 2021 chicago architecture biennial (cab). this edition marks a new approach to the biennial model, bridging the traditional exhibition format to a deeper engagement with the community to expand access and impact. offering opportunities to discover installations, exhibitions, and programs that explore transformative possibilities for vacant spaces in communities worldwide. the available city is curated by designer, researcher, and educator david brown. as artistic director, brown activates his ongoing, decade-long research project to document and reimagine new futures for vacant lots in american cities, including the more than 10,000 city-owned vacant lots in chicago. with over 80 contributors from more than 18 countries, and more than 100 cultural partners, the available city includes 15 site-specific architectural installations: located on public and private lots located in chicago’s neighborhoods of north lawndale, bronzeville, woodlawn, englewood, pilsen, and the south loop. there are also two exhibition-based explorations located in an unused storefront space in bronzeville and at the graham foundation.

[ above/below ]
[ traces of past futures / manuel herz architects / basel ]
the central park theater was one of the most important social and cultural hubs of chicago: the place where benny goodman played his first concerts in the 1920s, and where gospel and blues musicians invented new styles in the 1950s and 60s. one of the most historically significant movie palaces in the united states, the theater is one of the first of its kind and became a model for buildings of its type which followed. in 1971, it became home to the house of prayer church of god in christ under the leadership of pastor lincoln scott and his successor, pastor robert marshal.

since 2019, a committee—the central park restoration committee—of interdisciplinary partners has joined in collaboration with the church to plan for a sustainable restoration and redevelopment of the theater to serve the north lawndale community. currently, a planning process is underway to seek funds to address deferred maintenance and restoration priorities, while continuing ongoing community engagement.
members from various local organizations — house of prayer church of god in christ, jewish community relations council of chicago, north lawndale historical & cultural society, preservation chicago, the school of the art institute of chicago, and future firm are part of this committee, and were involved in both the design of the biennial project and programming into the future.
neighborhood: north lawndale
site address: 3535 west roosevelt road, 60608
hours to visit: saturday from 11 to 2 pm only.
project by: manuel herz architects

[ above/below ]
[ soil lab project / soil lab / copenhagen + dublin ]

above > courtesy of caliph rasul
the soil lab project is located on a city-owned vacant lot. the site was identified by cab artistic director david brown for an open call hosted with the danish arts foundation (daf) in 2020. soil lab is built on the remaining foundation of a former building and sits amongst six other vacant lots. the site is located between two other biennial partner sites, the cca academy permapark and a site being developed by the young men’s employment network (ymen) and working bikes.
the danish arts foundation is denmark’s largest arts foundation, whose mission centers on bringing the arts to a wide audience all over denmark, to promote danish art internationally, and to pave the way for talented artists. the foundation supports creative thinking and innovative ideas by funding more than 6,000 artists and art projects every year.

above> courtesy soil lab
the 2021 major commission is the second time the daf has invited danish creatives, and creatives with close ties to the danish architecture and design field, to propose a site-specific project for chicago. during the 2019 chicago architecture biennial, cabbage patch—an installation of 10,000 cabbages developed by danish artist duo gamborg/magnussen—was sited at the garfield park conservatory.
neighborhood: north lawndale
site address: 1310 south pulaski road, 60623
hours to visit: daily between 11am – 4pm
projects by: soil lab

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[ perma park / the bittertang farm / chicago + bainbridge island ]
in 2003, cca academy began a wellness program to increase the awareness of the impact of unhealthy eating, the lack of physical activity, and obesity. for the past three years, cca has been developing a permaculture food forest, permapark, on six vacant lots at 1320 -1332 south pulaski road. permapark brings fruit and produce to the community, provides a safe green space, and brings people together – allowing us to nourish one another as we take care of the earth.

cca academy is a community-based high school founded in 1978. it is a youth connection charter school (yccs) located in chicago’s north lawndale community. cca academy provides students, ages 16-21, who have completed eighth grade with a second chance to earn a high school diploma through a rigorous educational program, extracurricular activities, and supportive services that prepare students with the academic, social, and life skills to enroll in higher education, vocational training, or seek gainful employment. cca academy’s mission is to create lifelong learners.
neighborhood: north lawndale
site address: 1320-1332 south pulaski road, 60632
hours to visit: the park is open 7 days a week dawn to dusk.
project by: the bittertang farm

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[ cover the grid and block party at bell park / studio barnes in collaboration with shawhin roudbari + mas context and outpost office / chicago + boulder + columbus + miami ]
bell park is owned and operated by the westside association for community action (waca). was the site of waca’s first workforce program, creating local employment for north lawndale residents. the asphalt covered park beckoned columbus-based outpost office to create a gps -guided super graphic basketball court titled cover the grid. the site also inspired a geometric metal jungle gym titled block party by multi-studio collaboration studio barnes (miami), in collaboration with shawhin roudbari (boulder) and mas context (chicago).

above> courtesy nathan keay

above image dennis fisher
the client team included: the westside association for community action (waca) is a community-based, social service agency founded in 1971, whose mission is to identify and alleviate problems that contribute to the disintegration of our communal fabric. their partners include: open architecture chicago and freedom house studios.
neighborhood: north lawndale, 60632
address: 1921 south drake avenue
hours to visit: daily between 11am-4pm
projects by: studio barnes, in collaboration with shawhin roudbari and mas context and outpost office

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[ ymen bike box / a partnership of community organizations / chicago ]
the yemen bike box is a community space and place where residents can borrow bikes (free of charge), fix bikes, and even purchase bikes to help mobilize the village toward healthy lifestyles and community transportation access. the north lawndale bike box is a partnership of many community organizations and managed by both the young men’s educational network and working bikes. one of the organizations is young men’s employment network (ymen), a dynamic youth leadership organization in the north lawndale community on chicago’s west side established in 1996 to address academic, social, and financial needs that cripple the futures of many young people in north lawndale, particularly young men ages 10-18. ymen’s comprehensive programs offer a range of educational support, long-term group mentoring, vocational/career classes, fine arts, entrepreneurship, and service learning to more than 300 students & their families annually.

neighborhood: north lawndale
site address: 1241 south pulaski road
hours to visit: daily, 12-5pm. bike box operations take place on mondays and thursdays from 12-5pm.
project by: sekou cooke studio
visit the [ chicago architecture biennial ] to explore more about the biennial, what is on view throughout the city, and upcoming programs and events. look for DesignApplause to spell out these events in weekly separate articles.
[ upcoming programming! ] #cab21 #chicagoarchitecturebiennial
photography by gloria araya
this is a developing story…