Today’s front page Chicago Tribune headline reads: “Deal, then no deal.” The USA $770M bailout, an excellent example of how not to sell a concept has been bothersome all week. What immediately comes to mind? What would Saul Bass have done?

SB could present! He could fit the pitch for the occasion. Legend has it that in 1973 Saul asks United Airlines for $1 million for a new identity. A lot of money then. With check deposited SB lines up a theatre, clears out the chairs and replaces them with 200 Barcelona chairs. Then he hires “attendants and pilots” in freshly designed uniforms to seat the attendees. He places examples of the color palette, the ticket counter, brochures, signage, the logo, the airplane. Everywhere.

When everyone is seated the lights dim. The stage lighting warms up and out walks SB dressed for the occasion: a purple cape. He walks towards the podium with signature cane — the cane often used as a musical director’s baton. The stage lights dim. The rest is history. A long-lived identity program.

Research for this post lead to this YouTuber ” brooksy362436’s ” school project created as if Saul Bass animated the title sequence for “Star Wars.” The music is “Machine” by the Buddy Rich Band.

Is the bailout a good idea? I’m not smart enough to answer that one. But I wish someone would show up who can convince me it is.
more saul bass

8 crazy experiments bold enough to change the world. Beginning August 22. Fridays, 9PM EP. (-0500)
They rounded up every scientist, inventor, engineer, and designer with the best sot at pulling off some of the biggest, boldest ideas about cooling the planet, gave them whatever they needed and turned ’em loose. They told the naysayers to kiss off.
Sunpower beam. Raining trees. Reflective clouds. Orbiting shade. Air scrubber. Glacier blanket. Ocean nutrition. Floating turbines.
More info:
Project Earth

The world’s first eco car show opened at the Eden Project in the UK last week. Let’s discover which type of green motor we’re most likely to be driving in the future.
Love them or hate them, cars are not going away. But road transport accounts for a fifth of our carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, so it’s time to transform the way we buy and use them.
The good news is that in the UK the government’s King Review of transport tells us we can reduce road transport CO2 emissions by a massive 80% by 2050 if we start buying the right vehicles now and take our old bangers off the roads. Now, the technology is out there and our Sexy Green Car Show brings it to you.
Traditionally, environmental organizations have not had much to say about cars, except to try and persuade people not to use them. But at Eden, based in rural Cornwall, people are acutely aware of a dependence on cars. For many it’s just not practical or affordable to travel another way. (more…)
Earth Hour 2007 was a Sydney, Australia event to fight global warming by saving energy and raising awareness. On March 29, 2008, Earth Hour goes global.

Just a few days left before Earth Hour—March 29, 2008. 8-9pm. Between now and then send a reminder to your blogosphere connections to participate. You can continue to remind people about conserving energy for the rest of the year too! Here’s how…
1. Forward this information or create an original. (The image in this post is a photo taken from one of the many posters, billboards in Chicago.)
2. Place your Earth Hour post on your blog along with these instructions…
3. Send a minimum of 5 bloggers—or your entire blogroll—to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
4. ADD your site to the list and place your blog’s name and url in a comment here to let DA know you successfully forwarded this info. DA will acknowledge your success with a comment in your post. Email webmaster [at] if you have questions. (more…)
animating water bottle recycling rates 2005 (more…)